technical brutal death metal
Albums scraped2021-12-11T18:50:19.217Z
Last updated2021-12-15T06:53:55.787Z
Released at
15Human Remains - Using Sickness As A Hero1996
64!T.O.O.H.! - It's Not, Can't Be a Dream1997-04
13Yattering - Human's Pain1998
54Theory In Practice - The armageddon theories1999
55Yattering - Murder's Concept2000
76Mithras - Forever advancing......legions2002-03-00
77Mithras - Forever Advancing ...... Legions2002-03-00
58Insision - Beneath The Folds Of Flesh2002-03-05
50Vile - Depopulate2002-09-10
37Incinerate - Dissecting the Angels2002-09-13
24Agiel - Dark Pantheons Again will Reign2002
5Yattering - Genocide2003-03-10
3Wormed - Planisphærium2003
79Mithras - Forever Advancing...... Legions2004
8Human Mincer - Devoured Flesh2005-01
93Pillory - No Lifeguard At The Gene Pool2005-07-26
46Paths Of Possession - Promises In Blood2005-09-30
99Sons Of Slaughter - The Extermination Strain2005-11-00
6Inherit Disease - Procreating an Apocalypse2006-06-24
63Baalphegor - Post Earthquake Age2006-08-24
11Septycal Gorge - Growing Seeds Of Decay2006
22Element - Aeons Past2007-01-31
20Defeated Sanity - Psalms Of The Moribund2007-02-12
49Arkaik - Existential Chaos2007-04-01
31Infinitum - Behold Eradication2008-02
62Jack Slater - Blut / Macht / Frei2008-03-14
29Terrordrome - Vehement Convulsion2008-03-26
73DETHRONER - Bringer Of Desolation2008
1Viraemia - EP2009-02-20
19Infested - 1000 Doors2009-04-30
71Flesh Consumed - New Order of Intelligence2009-06-02
12Vomit The Soul - Apostles of Inexpression2009-06-28
27Dethklok - I Ejaculate Fire2009-09-28
9Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant2009-11-21
69Viraemia - Viraemia (EP)2009
90Arkaik - Reflections Within Dissonance2010-01-26
30Hour of Penance - Paradogma2010-03-30
51Brain Drill - Quantum Catastrophe2010-05-11
82Fleshgod Apocalypse - Mafia2010-06-10
17Entrails Eradicated - Viralocity2010-06-12
4Decrepit Birth - Polarity2010-07-27
61Hedonistic Exility - Deevolutional Stasis2010-08-20
70Insidious Decrepancy - Decadent Orgy of Atrocious Suffering2010-10
45Monumental Torment - Element of Chaos2011-02-07
42The Unborn Dead - Primitive Origins2011-03-11
7Cytotoxin - Plutonium Heaven2011-04-05
41Abdicate - Transcend through Sacrifice2011-07-05
35Big End Bolt - Mechanical Race Creation2011-09
83Carnality - Carnality2011-10-14
95Agent 0 - Feel the ruin2011-10-16
86Agent 0 - Maddening2011-12-30
43Mindly Rotten - Proliferation of Disaster2011
74Neuroma - Northern Discomfort2011
40Nephelium - Coils of Entropy2012-02-07
80Phobiatic - An Act of Atrocity2012-03-23
25Visceral Throne - Omnipotent Asperity2012-05-22
88Absurdist - Absurdist2012-05-24
56Back Door To Asylum - Akathisia2012-08-27
91Regurgitate Life - The Human Complex2012-09-02
48Omnihility - Biogenesis2012-09-25
10Unfathomable Ruination - Misshapen Congenital Entropy2012-09-28
60Orphalis - Human Individual Metamorphosis2012-09-28
57Malignancy - Eugenics2012-10-09
2Cytotoxin - Radiophobia2012-11-06
92Infant Annihilator - The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution2012-12-12
66Infinitum - The Sixth Extinction2012
67Forceps - Humanicide2012
14Craniotomy - Supply of Flesh Came Just in Time2013-02-04
89Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity2013-02-05
36Unbirth - Deracinated Celestial Oligarchy2013-03-04
47Lecherous Nocturne - Behold Almighty Doctrine2013-03-19
75Algetic - Sewer Dynasty2013-04-06
18Deeds of Flesh - Portals to Canaan2013-06-25
26Murder Made God - Irreverence2013-06-25
32Necrotic Disgorgement - Documentaries of Dementia2013-06-25
78Mindly Rotten - Effacing The Origin2013-11-26
53Deathfuckingcunt - Ungodly Violation2013
72Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum - Promo 20132013
85Medecophobic - Escalation2014-01-18
100Amoeba - Counterweight2014-02-22
16Hour of Penance - Regicide2014-05-13
23Unfathomable Ruination - Idiosyncratic Chaos2014-07-01
98Anacryptic - Of Infamy And Pride2014-07
21Iniquitous Deeds - Incessant Hallucinations2015-05-31
39μ's - Music S.T.A.R.T!!2015-10-28
34Revulsed - Infernal Atrocity2015-10-31
84Abhorrent - Intransigence2015-11-20
87Fields of Elysium - Capax Universi2015-12-09
33Murder Made God - Enslaved2016-04-15
97Katalepsy - Gravenous Hour2016-05-27
52Defeated Sanity - Disposal Of The Dead // Dharmata2016-07-22
44Ulcerate - Shrines of Paralysis2016-10-28
59Decimated Humans - Dismantling the Decomposed Entities2016
65Benighted - Necrobreed2017-02-17
81Amentia - Scourge2017-05-08
94She Ate A Scorpion - Expeditious Aggrandizement of Xenobiotic Enormities2017-09-20
38Engulf - Gold and Rust2018-07-13
68AYAKASI KAGURA - Zan Kyo2018-08-03
96Fecundation - Morte Cerebral2019-01-18
28Defeated Sanity - The Sanguinary Impetus2020-07-24